Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rhodes (36° 5'45.04"N; 28° 4'10.73"E)

Our first stop is on the island of Rhodes.  One of the greatest ancient wonders of the world was once located on this magnificent island.  The Colossus of Rhodes.  e.g. a giant statue of a guy holding a ancient lamp.
Of course after my 10 hour fight there was no giant statue waiting to greet me, instead I had to be content with a miniature model.  My first move was to wander the city streets,  watching helpless tourists get haggled into terribly bad deals on junk that they would never use.  After wading through the crowds, I finally made my way to Lidos Blu my hotel.  I highly recommend this hotel for its views, and amazing swimming pool. 

Lindos Blu
The beautiful views of the sea paired with a refreshing greek salad of cheese, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and olives from the island of Rhodes reminded me of how this island and this way of life came to exist. 

Rhodes lies next to the subduction zone of the African oceanic plate and the Eurasian continental plate.  A subduction zone is when two plates collide and one of those plates subducts or goes under the other plate.  The denser plate subducts under the other plate, it is like the continental plate is styrofoam, and the oceanic plate is a block of contrite.  When they collide the denser one will sink under the other plate.
Subduction zones normally cause volcanoes because of when the oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate it carries a lot of fluid (water) with it.  When this fluid reaches the continental plate it causes the very hot rocks that makes up that plate to melt and rise to the surface.  It is the same principle of adding salt to ice to make it melt.  When you add salt the melting point decreases, when you add water to the hot rock it lowers the melting point.  The odd thing about Rhodes is that there are no volcanoes, this is very rare.  The reason that Rhodes does not have volcanoes is because the magna that made up the island stopped and did not break the surface, which means that there is magma underneath the island so be wary of surprise volcanoes eruptions when you head to Rhodes, just kidding there will never be any volcanoes on the island of Rhodes.  Also there are no earthquakes on the island of Rhodes because subduction boundaries do not cause earthquakes.     


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy the way you explained how subduction boundaries work, and the picture you chose really helped the explanation. Also, you also made this tour very realistic. -KY
